Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Manufacturing Locations

Isn't it interesting that many overseas firms find it more profitable to build their factories in the U.S. while our firms find it more profitable to build in China or South America and ship the stuff back here...why is that? is it that our corporations are taxed at the second highest level in the WORLD! hmmm, makes you think, doesn't it. Maybe the business's should be taxed less and employ more..Just my thoughts as I watch the dollar loss all its value and prices soar..

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A plumbing we will go, a plumbing we will go, (sing along everyone)

Man! the flood gates have opened..whats with all the plumbing work lately? where was this all winter..over the years i have come to realize that its almost easy to tell when people start to get their taxes out of the way, as suddenly the spring plumbing work arrives..yippy!